105 research outputs found

    Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for mental health prevention and treatment

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    Mental disorders are a recognized population health issue, with recent estimates placing mental illness as the first in global burden of disease in terms of years lived with disability, and comparable to cardiovascular and circulatory diseases in terms of disability-adjusted life years. Common mental disorders refer to a range of anxiety and depressive disorders, which are prevalent disorders around the world (4.4% and 3.6% of the global population suffer from depression and anxiety disorders, respectively), with variations across different regions and populations..

    Introduction of e-mental health in national health systems - a health professionals' perspective

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    Objectives Evidence exists that e-mental health applications for maternal depression could assist in diagnosing such conditions in an early stage. This study explores the intention of health professionals to use and recommend e-mental health applications and how they think these applications should be integrated in the national health system. Methods We applied an exploratory sequential mixed-method research design. First, we collect and analyze responses from 131 health professionals in the field of pregnancy and maternal care. Based on these findings, we conduct semi-structured interviews with 16 experts to expand on the initial results. Results Our study reveals that health professionals would in general intend to recommend and use e-mental health applications. However, their attitude towards e-mental health applications varies with respect to the coverage of the mental health process. Conclusion The results are of relevance for research and practice. Two scenarios are described that show how health professionals perceive an introduction of e-mental health to be useful

    Single application of the unified protocol in university students of the Balearic Islands: a pilot study

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    Despite the proven evidence of the Unified Protocol (UP) for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders (ED), there is no study using the UP to treat ED in a Spanish clinical sample of university students. The objective of this study has been to determine the clinical utility of UP in this population. The project consisted of a pilot study of an open treatment outcome study without a control group, carried out in the psychological care service of the University of the Balearic Islands. UP was applied in individual face to face format to 17 participants with a diagnosis of ED. After the intervention, only two participants maintained their diagnosis. Except for one participant, all had a statistically significant reduction in depressive and anxious symptoms, with moderate-large effect sizes (Cohen's r = 0.48-0.62). These results are encouraging and are consistent with the evidence to date. We believe that UP could be a clinically useful treatment alternative for university psychological services

    Feasibility and Clinical Usefulness of the Unified Protocol in Online Group Format for Bariatric Surgery Candidates: Study Protocol for a Multiple Baseline Experimental Design

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    Obesity is currently becoming a serious global public health problem due to its high prevalence and continuous increase. This condition is associated with different physical and mental health problems. The presence of emotional disorders (anxiety, depression and related disorders) among candidates for bariatric surgery is very high and predicts worse physical and psychological results. The present study aims to explore the feasibility and clinical usefulness of the Unified Protocol, a transdiagnostic emotion regulation-based intervention, delivered in an online group format to patients with emotional disorder diagnosis or symptoms, who are waiting for bariatric surgery. We will conduct a pilot study with a repeated single-case experimental design (multiple baseline design) in a public mental health service. The sample will consist of 60 participants, who will be randomized to three baseline conditions: 8, 12 or 15 evaluation days before the intervention. Diagnostic criteria, symptomatology and body mass index are the primary outcome measures, and we will include affectivity, personality, quality of life, body image, eating behavior and surgical complications like secondary measures. An analysis of treatment satisfaction will be also performed. Assessment points will include pre-treatment, baseline, treatment, post-treatment, and follow-ups every three months until two years after post-treatment. The results obtained in this study may have important clinical, social and economic implications for public mental health

    Long-term cost-effectiveness of group unified protocol in the spanish public mental health system

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    The limited material and human resources available in the Spanish public mental health system, combined with the high prevalence of emotional disorders nowadays, makes it necessary to search for and implement other more cost-effective formats. The versatility of the Unified Protocol (UP) for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders allows its application in group format, which could be a cost-effective solution for the system. The aim of the present study is to investigate the cost-effectiveness of the UP applied in group format in specialized care units compared to the Treatment as usual (TAU) in the Spanish public mental health system over a 15-month time period. The sample of this study consisted of 188 patients, diagnosed with an emotional disorder, randomized to the UP condition in group format or to the TAU condition in individual format. The findings of this study have shown the same beneficial results for the participants with symptoms of anxiety and depression in both conditions and greater improvements in quality of life in the UP condition. Regarding cost-effectiveness results, at the 15-month follow-up, participants in the UP condition received a greater number of sessions, with a lower total economic cost compared to the TAU condition. Finally, reductions in the number of participants using antidepressants and a reduction in medication burden were found in the UP condition over time. The results of this study show that UP applied in a group format can be a cost-effectiveness solution for the Spanish public mental health system. Trial registration number: NCT03064477 (March 10, 2017)

    Multicomponent cognitive-behavioral therapy for intermittent explosive disorder by videoconferencing: a case study

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    La Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual (TCC) para el tratamiento del Trastorno Explosivo Intermitente (TEI) ha probado ser eficaz, con tamaños del efecto de moderados a altos, tanto en intervenciones individuales como grupales. La videoconferencia ha sido utilizada eficazmente para tratar distintos trastornos mentales, pero su utilización en pacientes con TEI es todavía desconocida. El objetivo de este estudio es ofrecer evidencias preliminares sobre la posibilidad de tratar el TEI a través de videoconferencia. Presentamos un experimento de estudio de caso de un varón español, de 33 años de edad, que vive y trabaja en China. Después de la intervención, los episodios agresivos del paciente disminuyeron de manera importante así como el afecto negativo. Por otro lado, el paciente mostró un importante incremento en emociones positivas y autoestima. Se produjeron también cambios positivos en algunas dimensiones de personalidad y sus facetas, evaluadas con el NEO-PI-R, específicamente en neuroticismo, extraversión y amabilidad. Los beneficios se mantuvieron en los seguimientos a los 3, 8 y 18 meses. Estos resultados preliminares revelan que la TCC por videoconferencia, orientada al incremento de las habilidades en regulación emocional, fue eficaz en un estudio de caso con TEICognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT) for the treatment of Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) has proved to be effective, with moderate to large effect sizes both in individual and group interventions. Videoconferencing has been used effectively to treat different mental disorders but its use for IED patients is as yet unknown. The aim of this study is to provide preliminary evidence of the possibility of treating IED by videoconference. We present a case-study experiment of a Spanish male, aged 33 years, living and working in China. After the intervention, the patient’s aggressive episodes decreased dramatically, as well as his negative affect. In contrast, he showed an important increment in positive emotions and self-esteem. There were also positive changes in some personality dimensions and facets measured by NEO-PI-R, specifically in neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness. The benefits were maintained at 3-, 8- and 18-month follow-ups. These preliminary results reveal that CBT by videoconference oriented to increasing emotion regulation skills was effective when implemented in a case study of a person suffering from IED.Financed by Gobierno de Aragón (Dpt. Industria e Innovación), European Social Fund and CREOS, centro de psicoterapia y formación

    Equipo para inspección de partes mediante líquidos penetrantes tipo II método A lavable con agua.

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    Diseñar el prototipo de un banco automatizado para realizar ensayos no destructivos en bujes, manguitos y acoplamientos mediante líquidos penetrantes tipo II y método A lavable con agua, que permita optimizar el proceso de inspección de partes en Alkhorayef Zona Franca S.A.S.Este proyecto presenta un equipo automatizado para la realización de ensayos no destructivos por medio de líquidos penetrantes visibles de tipo II bajo el método A lavable con agua, diseñado principalmente para trabajar grandes cantidades de piezas en serie. Fue necesario llevar a cabo una documentación detallada del procedimiento que se realiza en un ensayo por líquidos penetrantes (LP) para así plasmar la idea del prototipo en el software Solid Edge de Siemens. Se prevé que será un equipo automatizado, el cual comprenderá 6 estaciones de trabajo que permiten obtener como resultado piezas inspeccionadas de acuerdo con las normativas dadas por la ASTM estándar E1418. Con base a los procesos que se deben llevar a cabo en un ensayo por líquidos penetrantes, entre ellos limpieza, aplicación de producto penetrante y desarrollador o revelador, se establece el diseño del equipo y a su vez las estaciones de trabajo, razón por la cual se conectan y acoplan entre si una serie de dispositivos mecánicos, eléctricos y de control en la fabricación de la máquina. La energía eléctrica y el aire comprimido suministrado por un compresor son las fuentes de energía que requerirá el equipo; el control estará dirigido por el PLC Logo 230RCE de Siemens, de acuerdo con el programa que se desarrolló para sí en el software Logo Soft Comfort V8.2. Sensores, interruptores, dispositivos de entrada y salida digitales serán quienes emitan las señales eléctricas hacia el PLC para que este se encargue de activar los actuadores de manera sincrónica. Al final del proceso se obtienen piezas inspeccionadas técnicamente, las cuales garantizan su correcta integridad física y estarán listas para ser usadas en el ensamble de equipos de bombeo electro sumergible (BES).This project presents an automated equipment for non-destructive testing by means of visible liquid penetrant testing type II under the water-washable method A, designed mainly to work large quantities of serial parts. It was necessary to carry out a detailed documentation of the procedure performed in a liquid penetrant (LP) test to translate the prototype idea into Siemens Solid Edge software. It is expected to be an automated equipment, which will comprise 6 workstations that allow to obtain as a result inspected parts in accordance with the regulations given by the ASTM standard E1418. Based on the processes to be carried out in a liquid penetrant test, including cleaning, application of penetrant product and developer or developer, the design of the equipment and in turn the workstations is established, which is why a series of mechanical, electrical and control devices are connected and coupled together in the manufacture of the machine. The electrical energy and the compressed air supplied by a compressor are the energy sources that the equipment will require; the control will be managed by the Siemens Logo 230RCE PLC, according to the program that was developed for itself in the Logo Soft Comfort V8.2 software. Sensors, switches, digital input, and output devices will emit the electrical signals to the PLC so that it is in charge of activating the actuators in a synchronous way. At the end of the process, technically inspected parts are obtained, which guarantee their correct physical integrity and will be ready to be used in the assembly of electro submersible pumping equipment (ESP)

    Influencia de la personalidad en la clínica del trastorno de pánico con o sin agorafobia : un estudio exploratorio

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    El interés científico por determinar los factores de vulnerabilidad relacionados con la psicopatología ha cobrado relevancia en los últimos años. En este sentido, el estudio de las características de personalidad tanto normal como patológica y su influencia en distintos trastornos mentales es un campo del máximo interés para la psicología clínica y la Psicopatología. El trabajo de tesis doctoral que lleva por título "Influencia de la personalidad en la clínica del trastorno de pánico con o sin agorafobia: un estudio exploratorio", tiene como objetivo fundamental examinar la influencia de la personalidad y la psicopatología de la personalidad en el trastorno de pánico con el fin de identificar posibles indicadores de vulnerabilidad personal y optimizar el conocimiento sobre la fenomenología y la naturaleza de esta psicopatología. El estudio empírico se realiza con una muestra de 52 pacientes con diagnóstico de trastorno de pánico con o sin agorafobia y se compara con una muestra de 55 participantes de la población normal y con una muestra subclínica de 45 participantes, empleando metodología correlacional

    The Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Perinatal Depression: A Case Study

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    This case study aims to present the application of the Unified Protocol (UP) for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders in the case of a 38-year-old pregnant woman with a peripartum onset of major depressive disorder and anxiety symptoms. The UP is a cognitive-behavioral intervention based on the shared etiological and maintenance mechanisms of emotional disorders (i.e., mood, anxiety, and related disorders). The UP helps to modify maladaptive emotion-regulation strategies and enhance tolerance of unpleasant and intense emotions (sadness, anxiety, anger, etc.). Whereas previous studies demonstrate the efficacy of the UP in different emotional disorders, to our knowledge, none of them have used the UP to treat perinatal emotional disorders. After the eight UP modules of individual treatment, a significant decrease in anxiety, depression, negative affect, and anxiety sensitivity, and also an increase in positive affect were observed. These results were maintained at the 12-month follow-up. In addition to its clinical utility and acceptance, these results indicate that the UP can be adapted and personalized for the treatment of perinatal emotional disorders. Future studies with larger samples and controlled experimental designs should be developed to demonstrate its efficacy. Furthermore, as the UP seems to be useful in a group format, future efforts should be focused on the UP with perinatal women in a group format

    Wayfinding Strategy and Gender - Testing the Mediating Effects of Wayfinding Experience, Personality and Emotions

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    Background: Individual differences have been seen to play a key role in spatial orientation. Gender implications have been previously described but little is known about how other variables, such as wayfinding anxiety, emotional difficulties and wayfinding experience can mediate this relationship. Methods: A group of 269 participants were involved in this study and completed questionnaires on their self-reported allocentric orientation strategy, wayfinding experience and satisfaction with the ability for wayfinding. Emotional outcomes were also investigated: spatial and trait anxiety, neuroticism, difficulties in emotion regulation, and personal safety. First, a principal component analysis was conducted and the studied variables were grouped into four components: outdoor wayfinding experience, wayfinding-related fear, emotional difficulties, and effective wayfinding skill. Afterwards, structural equation modelling was performed, using the MPLUS statistical program. Results: The results showed that gender constitutes a predictor for using an effective wayfinding skill and for feeling wayfinding-related fear. However, outdoor wayfinding experience, wayfinding-related fear and emotional difficulties did not mediate the relationship between effective wayfinding skill and gender. Conclusion: These results highlight the differential contribution of gender in the emotions that are experienced during spatial orientation and emotions that are related to other types of situations. The limitations, strengths and theoretical implications of the proposed model are discussed. Further investigation is needed in order to understand the role of emotions in spatial orientation